The Barber Shop

The Barber Shop is a space for action and inaction, inviting curators, artists and researchers to propose an ephemeral project or share their research and interests

The Barber Shop aims the creation of debate between artistic and research practice upon multiple contexts, proposing a renewed set of discussion themes, through the participation of agents from diverse backgrounds. Casual encounters provoking a reflexive dialogue and the establishment of a local community of shared interests are main concerns of this project.

Occasionally The Barber Shop invites an artist or musician to stay in residency for a given period of time giving support to their practice. In 2011 The Barber Shop had artists Mariana Silva and Pedro Neves Marques as curatorial fellows.

The Barber Shop is a project by Margarida Mendes.

Address: R. Rosa Araújo 5, Lisboa (Metro: Avenida)